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Cara Mudah Optimasi Featured Snippets

Pelajari Cara Mudah Optimasi Featured Snippets diartikel berikut ini. Featured Snippets adalah salah satu fitur yang dihadirkan oleh mesin pencari seperti Google, Yahoo, Bing, dan lainnya. Featured Snippets berarti juga tampilan jawaban dari hasil pencarian di halaman pertama hasil mesin pencari. Dengan fitur ini, pengguna…

Amazon Inspector helps Sysadmin to automate security assessment

Anyone who has ever worked with PHP, Apache or MySQL Web applications is aware of how quickly vulnerabilities can surface and become widespread problems. Security and vulnerability testing are standard among many of these application types because they’re frequently used. Consequently, attackers target these types…

What is Amazon CloudWatch Logs and how does it work?

Amazon CloudWatch monitors many AWS Services such as Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Relational Database Service, Elastic Block Storage and several others. CloudWatch alerts can identify events such as CPU spikes and latency issues. When used with AWS AutoScaling, administrators can seamlessly increase EC2 capacity as…

AWS Trusted Advisor

Taken from: https://riesal.medium.com/aws-trusted-advisor-m-fahrizal-rahman-2484c3296ccd AWS Trusted Advisor is a product that allows a cloud administrator to provision Amazon Web Services resources according to best practices in four categories: cost optimization, security, fault tolerance and performance improvement. AWS Trusted Advisor compiles best practices based on the collective…

Get the AWS EC2 instance metadata

Get the AWS EC2 instance metadata Now you are ready to send the first commands to your EC2 linux instance. Let’s check the EC2 instance metadata by hitting a specific AWS node only available from within the instance itself. Instance metadata is data about your…